Saturday, March 21, 2009

Comment Clarification

I do want to make sure that people who have left comments regarding the lap band issue are clear about something. I am in no way being insulted or upset by what you are all saying. This is a safe place to leave your opinion, and I have found everyone's opinions interesting. My last post about the issue was just to make sure that everyone knows that I would never consider making such a decision uniformed or on a whim. So, please don't feel like any apologies need to take place. Okay!? I love you ALL! But, some more than others. (Just kidding :) )


Vee said...

I'm going to leave my lap-band comment here. Hope you don't mind. I thought about having it done, but was told I was too fat and it was too dangerous for me. Was told there are other things that are better to do, but I've decided to try try try again to lose the weight "naturally". See, my problem is that I want things that are not healthy.

So if I got the lap band or stapling, etc. done, then I would have to reduce what I eat. So... if I can only a bit of a snickers or a carrot, i would choose the snickers. Have to work on my mind in conjunction with my body.

Vee -

Anonymous said...

I think people who haven't dealt with compulsive eating and other food issues can find ways to continue crappy eating behaviors that will make them fat even after WLS.